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The Blog of Northwest Health Specialties

What is a Naturopathic Doctor and Why Work with one?

When it comes to healthcare, there are many options for providers. So, why choose to work with a naturopathic doctor (ND)? Let’s explore what is a naturopathic doctor and what makes naturopathic medicine unique and valuable. Educational Background Naturopathic doctors are highly trained healthcare professionals who complete rigorous education at accredited naturopathic medical schools. Their …

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Staying Healthy for the Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, the colder weather and shorter days can leave many of us feeling run down or under the weather. But by being proactive, you can support your health and resilience during this busy time. In this guide, we’ll explore gentle, effective strategies to help you stay well and recover more quickly …

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Constipation 101: Why We Need Daily Bowel Movements

During an intake with all of my clients, I ask about bowel movements (I know; it gets personal!). The reason I ask is that if you’re not having at least one bowel movement a day, we’ve got a problem! Constipation is defined as infrequent bowel movements that are difficult to pass, hard in texture, and …

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Sciatica or Sassy Butt? Understanding Muscle Spasms in the Gluteus

Did you know… muscle spasms in the gluteus are often misdiagnosed as sciatica You might have been told that you have Sciatica by a doctor, Chat GPT, a frantic Google search at one in the morning, or by a friend who knows what everyone else’s problems are but their own. In short, YES, you have …

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Intermittent Fasting 101: Who Is It Right For and How to Do It

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a buzzy little phrase! Many of my clients ask me about this…”should I try it?” “Will it work?” The short answer is – it depends! Intermittent fasting can have many health benefits, if done correctly. While this has been done for centuries and is currently something many cultures and religions still …

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Immune Health Basics

Hello cold and flu season! If it seems like everyone around you is getting sick, you might consider taking some extra measures to boost your immune health. But it can’t hurt to support your immune system year-round for optimal well-being. With a nutritious diet, a targeted supplement protocol, and healthy lifestyle habits, you can set …

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stop sugar cravings
How to stop sugar cravings

I don’t recommend giving up sugar cold turkey, or really at all. You might be surprised to hear a nutritionist say this, but in my experience, nearly every client I’ve worked with who attempted to completely give up sugar ended up either miserable, or over-indulging due to feeling restricted. Like I said before, sugar is …

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reasons we crave sugar
Reasons for craving sugar

How many times have you attempted to kick sugar to the curb? If you’ve got a sweet tooth like me, you may have attempted this more than once, perhaps with little success. Sugar is addicting, plain and simple. It stimulates the reward center in the brain and makes us want more. Here’s a secret – …

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Man practicing yoga on the mat at home
The Art Of Stretching: How to Free Your Fascia

Rethink everything you know about stretching. It’s time to embrace a gentler, more effective approach to flexibility and well-being. Forget the old “no pain, no gain” mantra. Instead, consider a healthier approach: “no pain, good.” In this guide, we’ll explore how nurturing your body can lead to greater gains in flexibility and pain relief. The …

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Northwest Health Specialties

Based in Vancouver, Washington we specialize in Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Massage Therapy, and more.

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