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Constipation 101: Why We Need Daily Bowel Movements

During an intake with all of my clients, I ask about bowel movements (I know; it gets personal!). The reason I ask is that if you’re not having at least one bowel movement a day, we’ve got a problem! Constipation is defined as infrequent bowel movements that are difficult to pass, hard in texture, and may be accompanied by the feeling of not being able to empty your bowels fully, with bloating and abdominal pain. You may not be having the discomfort so you don’t feel constipated, but not going every day means you’re not giving your body the opportunity it needs to eliminate toxins and waste.

Chronic constipation is defined as the above symptoms lasting a few weeks or more, and this requires action. Why is a daily bowel movement so important? It’s like taking out the trash, or flushing a toilet – if this doesn’t happen regularly, waste builds up, ferments, and can lead to some serious issues. Besides being uncomfortable, chronic constipation can lead to hemorrhoids, ulcers, anal fissures, and fecal impaction (hard stool collecting in the intestine leading to swelling and bleeding of the rectum). Toxins can build up in the system. It’s not pretty.

Chronic constipation and how to empty your bowels

What causes constipation?

There can be a variety of causes for constipation, but since I’m a nutritionist, let’s start with food. Low-fiber diets can certainly cause constipation, as fiber is needed to help stool pass. The other important piece of this is hydration, which is why my #1 recommendation for most clients is to increase their water intake (as most people aren’t drinking enough).

Beyond nutrition, certain conditions can lead to constipation, like IBS, pelvic disorders, and hypothyroidism, to name a few. Medications and even supplements (like certain antidepressants, antacids, and iron supplements) can also cause things to back up. Lack of movement, stress, and pregnancy are also common culprits.

Sometimes it’s as simple as rubbing the belly and/or moving the body to get things moving through. 

How to ensure a daily bowel movement

But how to empty your bowels I hear you ask! Here are my top tips for helping things move along.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! 

If you’re not pooping, assess your hydration level. The recommendation is to aim for half your weight in ounces, or until your urine is pale. If you’re not doing this, start with a full glass of water in the morning (even better, if you drink it warm with a bit of lemon in it, and then go for a walk!). Poop needs water to form and pass. Many times, this simple fix can be the key to overcoming constipation. 


Fiber from dietary sources is the first step in how to empty your bowels as it helps support digestive movement. There are two types of dietary fiber: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber acts as a broom to sweep through the colon to promote elimination. This includes foods such as whole wheat, brown rice, nuts, lentils, green beans, and wheat bran.

Soluble fiber can soak up water, expand in the intestines to increase fullness, and binds to fats and toxins to support bowel movement and cleansing. It is found in foods like apples, citrus fruits, psyllium husk, and oat bran. Some foods contain both kinds of fiber (barley, kidney beans, potatoes, flaxseed). 

Fiber is excellent for supporting digestion, healthy blood sugar balance, and lowering cholesterol. We want to aim for 25-30 grams of fiber a day, but it’s important to increase fiber slowly and back off if you experience loose bowels. I recommend starting with 1/2 tablespoon of flaxseed meal (ground, not seeds) added to your smoothies, salads, soups, yogurts, etc. and then slowly increasing to 2-3 tablespoons until bowel movements happen daily and are effortless but not too loose.

You can also increase your fiber by eating more fresh vegetables (leafy green salads, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, etc). Be sure to stay well hydrated, as water helps aid the fiber in moving things through.

Fibre: tips for how to empty your bowels


Moving your body frequently throughout the day helps move food through your digestive system. Try to aim for regular movement, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle. Taking a walk after a meal can help support regularity, as can stretching and even doing specific yoga poses.


While I prefer food sources of fiber, there are many supplements that can support bowel movement. Magnesium oxide or citrate can be helpful in getting things moving. There are also harsher supplements like senna, which could cause very loose stools, or diarrhea. Because of this, I prefer to tailor supplementation and monitor it so that people don’t end up having the reverse issue.

Many supplements can also interact with medications, so it is important to work with a healthcare provider to make sure you’re getting the best ones for you.


Warm liquids or even external warmth on the abdomen can be great to stimulate digestive movement. Think herbal teas, soups, broths, warm water with lemon. External sources can include warm baths, warm compresses, a hot water bottle on top of the stomach. Warmth encourages peristalsis, which is a movement of food through the digestive system. Some of these techniques are even two-fold, helping with stress as well. A castor oil pack can do wonders for elimination and toxin removal.

How to empty your bowels


When you’re stressed, the body is in fight-or-flight mode, which means digestion is halted. If your body is getting the signal that a threat is near, it does not prioritize energy for digestion, but for other parts of your body needed to react to stress (such as your large muscles so you can run if needed). Stress affects digestion, which is why I always prioritize stress management for my clients with IBS symptoms (diarrhea, constipation, or both).

A stress management routine might include daily downtime to go for a walk, journal, call a friend, color, drink tea, or anything that helps you unwind healthily. If you’re not going daily, it’s your body telling you that something needs to change. Your bowel habits are a big clue about what’s going on internally, and supporting regularity can be a game-changer in so many ways.

If you are searching online for how to empty your bowels I can help!

Book an appointment with me so we can get things moving in the right direction!

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